Announceing subsurface 1.2

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Thu Dec 8 13:16:37 PST 2011

It's been about six weeks and a ton of things have changed - actually,
if the last time you looked at it was subsurface-1.1 then you might not
recognize the new release.

Highlights to mention:

New features:
- new look with three-pane window and new coloring
- show dives "latest first"
- new statistics page
- completely new editing logic: 
  double-click on a dive in the dive list (or right-click and select 
  'edit' from the menu on the text fields) to bring up the edit window.
- show momentary SAC rate in the air use graph
- sanitize saving of cylinder pressures (either samples or global, but 
  not both if they are redundant)
- new xslt based XML importer 
- add useful testdata instead of Linus' sample dives
- add ability to rate dives with a familiar 5-star rating system
- more OSX/Windows cleanups and support (no more gconf !!)
- lots of random fixes

I will make Linux, Windows and Mac binaries available over the next few
days. For now, get the sources and start playing with it :-)


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