deco code rewrite

Jan Schubert Jan.Schubert at
Thu Dec 6 13:06:57 PST 2012

On 12/06/12 21:51, Jef Driesen wrote:
> On 06-12-12 16:03, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>> On Dec 6, 2012, at 4:42 AM, Jef Driesen wrote:
>>> Currently only the OC gases are reported by libdivecomputer. I
>>> didn't really know how to deal with this. At first, I just wanted to
>>> pick either the OC or CC gas mixes, depending on the dive mode. But
>>> there is no such setting in the header, only in the samples.
>>> Apparently the user can switch from CC to OC during the dive
>>> (confirmed by Shearwater), so this is going to be a bit more tricky.
>>> Maybe the easiest is to just report both sets, until we have some
>>> better solution?
>> I guess this is for bailout? Your CC fails, you switch to OC?
> Yes.

Yes, you are right. Not only on the Shearwater models but also on the
OSTC (and most likely other computers as well) one can switch between CC
and OC several times in a dive. A common use case is bailing out when
one suspects its CCR is not working correctly. In former formwares of
OSTC this has also been necessary for switching diluent in CC mode,
which is no one really doing anymore nowadays (whoa....).

>>> PS: As I'm not a rebreather (or technical) diver, I can definitely
>>> use some help in that area, to make sure libdivecomputer will also
>>> supports those features that technical divers need.
>> You and me, both :-)
> :-)

I'm not saying I'm an expert but I'll try to help anyone with questions
which may come up. For sure there are also some other guys around in
here which will be willing to answer questions and will hopefully tell
if I'm writing bullshit...


PS: Jef, you are on the subsurface list or not?

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