pkg-config libdivecomputer / subsurface makefile / confusion

Grischa Toedt toedt at
Tue Jul 10 07:23:54 PDT 2012

Given the current setup of libdivecomputer and subsurface i can't compile subsurface on Mac OS X.

a) the libdivecomputer.pc looks like:

Name: libdivecomputer
Description: A library for communication with various dive computers.
Version: 0.2.0-devel
Requires.private: libusb-1.0
Libs: -L${libdir} -ldivecomputer
Cflags: -I${includedir}

and if I use pkg-config, i get the following infos:
 sh-3.2# PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/" pkg-config --cflags libdivecomputer
 -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/local/include/libusb-1.0

b) the subsurface makefile uses pkg-config to identify the include path:
--- line 43 ---
else ifeq ($(UNAME), darwin)
	LIBDIVECOMPUTERINCLUDES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags libdivecomputer)

and in libdivecomputer.h files are included with:
--- line 4 ---
/* libdivecomputer */
#include <device.h>
#include <suunto.h>

so the resulting mappings are wrong ==> can't compile!


a) should libdivecomputer.pc replace the cflag line with:
Cflags: -I${includedir}/libdivecomputer

because thats the compiler flag specific to this package and tells where the includes are,

b) or should the makefile be adopted accordingly, by removing lines (43:45):
--- Line 43 ---
else ifeq ($(UNAME), darwin)
	LIBDIVECOMPUTERINCLUDES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --cflags libdivecomputer)
	LIBDIVECOMPUTERARCHIVE = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --libs libdivecomputer)

since the libdc tests in the makefile detect the right paths anyway,
ifneq ($(strip $(libdc-local)),)

c) or should the subsurface libdivecomputer.h include the files via:
#include <libdivecompuer/device.h>
#include <libdivecompuer/suunto.h>
and the makefile adopted accordingly > adjusting all include paths by removing libdivecomputer from them.
" prevent trouble if there are two unrelated libraries which have both a header file named header.h" [Jef]

Whats the right way of fixing this?

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