
Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Thu Oct 11 05:56:46 PDT 2012

Henrik Brautaset Aronsen <subsurface at henrik.synth.no> writes:

> Den 11.10.12 03:12, skrev Dirk Hohndel:
>> Linus promised Swedish and Finnish localizations. Henrik offered
>> Norwegian. So I think the major languages are covered.
> I just posted a patch with the Norwegian translation.  The list headers 
> and some of the menus aren't translated when I run the application (at 
> least here on MacOSX), but that's unrelated to the po file.  Do you see 
> the same on Linux?

Ok, I tried your localization under Linux and as you say, the main
divelist and some menus are indeed not localized. But the equipment
lists, for example, are.

Switching back to German I notice that there the divelist headers aren't
localized, either (and I am CERTAIN that they were at some point during
the testing), but the menus are indeed all localized.

Looking at this in more detail I realized that the menu entries that
aren't localized in Norwegian are the ones where we use GTK_STOCK_xxx
and then NULL as text for the menu entry. Apparently those default texts
are missing from Gtk's Norwegian localization? It would be easy enough
to simply have all the texts there and localize them, I guess.

This still means I need to figure out why the divelist headers are not


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