working towards Subsurface 2.0

Jef Driesen jefdriesen at
Mon Sep 10 00:10:11 PDT 2012

On 2012-09-09 13:00, Mikko Rasa wrote:
> On 09.09.2012 13:30, Lubomir I. Ivanov wrote:
>> wouldn't storing a pointer to the last openened file (if exists) in
>> the configuration be a more elegant solution via a settings checkbox 
>> ?
>> this gives the user better control, since _he_ is the one who 
>> created
>> the file and not the application automatically.
> +1
> In my view, the dive database is more like a document than a settings
> file.  Settings are generally stored in dot-files, documents are not.
> I don't know about the others here, but I at least like to know where
> my data is.  I dislike programs that try to "just work" and hide
> everything from me, because when they inevitably _don't_ work, I have
> to spend time and effort to figure out exactly what's going wrong.

I also like this approach of remembering the last opened file. If 
subsurface starts for the first time (or the "remember last file" 
feature is disabled), we can start in a no document state, or 
immediately create a new document but without a filename associated. 
When the user hits save, prompt for the filename. When the feature is 
enabled, just reload the last file and when the user hits save, just 
save it without prompting for a filename.

It's simple and intuitive (e.g. similar to all other document based 
applications), and the user can easily save the file anywhere.


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