dive_trip_list & dive_table

Amit Chaudhuri amit.k.chaudhuri at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 00:42:16 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I'm trying to amend my Qt treeview to show dives from the xml data in
subsurface.  My current test dive set is grouped as 5 dives in 2 trips.

When I query the members of struct dive_table from my mainwindow.cpp in
qt-gui/ I get a surprising result:

int nr == 0
int preexisting == 0
int allocated == 0

I was at least expecting nr == 10

I also checked the address of struct dive_table using printf("....%p") both
at my point of use and in parse_xml_buffer and they agree.

So my theory is that dives in trips are possibly stored in another place
and I have dive_trip_list as the likely candidate.

So, grep -r -n '*dive_trip_list' *.c *.h and I get 4 hits.

1) a comment
4) extern decl
2) divelist.c:57 dive_trip_t *dive_trip_list;
3) divelist-gtk.c:62 dive_trip_t *dive_trip_list;

Is the duplication of dive_trip_list a bug? Should one of these be extern?
If it's not a bug, how does C handle a duplicate declaration like this?

Is my theory right that dives in trips are moved out of tive_table into

When I try and read the value of dive_trip_list I am getting a NULL
pointer. I think this is an order of initialisation thing. I seem to have
the right address but at the point in time I query it it hasn't been filled

Tomaz - you may come across this when trying to populate your cylinder
info.  [I came across this after looking at the start of your
MainWindow::on_actionClose_triggered() ]

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