updates to the Qt branch

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Wed Apr 24 23:37:47 PDT 2013

Hi Everyone

I figured since I've been preaching about using our own data structures
in the Qt parts of the code I might as well put my money where my mouth
is and embarrass myself by writing some Qt/C++ code.

The results of a few hours of beating my head against various hard
objects around me (and repeatedly renewing my long standing dislike for
C++) have been pushed to the Qt branch. Thiago already confirmed on IRC
that the code does, indeed, make his eyes bleed.

Anyway, it should give a starting point for people who actually know
what they are doing to be able to 
a) clean up the mess I made and
b) build on what's there to fill the divelist with life

BTW: can we please invert the default sort order? It's really odd to see
my oldest dives first, suddenly :-)



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