Fwd: Re: Updates to user manual

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za
Mon Dec 2 09:41:08 UTC 2013

On 02/12/2013 17:52, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> You're doing it wrong. :-)
> You clone master ONCE.
> Then you just say
> git pull upstream master
> And it pulls in the latest changes
> What makes things even easier, is if you make your local changes in a
> different branch.

  Thanks. I clearly need to do quite a bit of reading on git. I am amazed
how such a complex process can be handled by a single piece of software.

  >> Right. I actually remember you sending a style file and never followed
>> up on that. Should I just add that or are you planning to send this
>> correctly integrated in a future patch?

  Correct - future patch. It needs some experimenting.

  >> Can I ask you to send your progress daily? It's very hard for others to
>> work with you if you don't send your edits quite frequently. Especially
>> on a plain text document like this.
>> Ideally send things at least at the end of every day (your time - you
>> are in South Africa, correct?)

  Will do. If there is no submission, that means no changes.

Kind regards,

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