trying to generate user-manual.text...

Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn cristian.ionescu-idbohrn at
Sat Dec 21 04:00:45 UTC 2013

...or pdf fails:

| $ make -C Documentation user-manual.text
| make: Entering directory `.../Documentation'
| a2x -f text user-manual.txt
| a2x: ERROR: "xmllint" --nonet --noout --valid ".../Documentation/user-manual.xml" returned non-zero exit status 4
| $ cd Documentation
| $ a2x -f text -v user-manual.txt
|               ^^
| a2x: args: ['-f', 'text', '-v', 'user-manual.txt']
| a2x: resource files: []
| a2x: resource directories: ['/etc/asciidoc/images', '/etc/asciidoc/stylesheets']
| a2x: executing: "/usr/bin/asciidoc" --backend docbook -a "a2x-format=text"  --verbose  --out-file ".../Documentation/user-manual.xml" ".../Documentation/user-manual.txt"
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/asciidoc.conf
| asciidoc: reading: .../Documentation/user-manual.txt
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/docbook45.conf
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/filters/code/code-filter.conf
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/filters/music/music-filter.conf
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/filters/source/source-highlight-filter.conf
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/filters/graphviz/graphviz-filter.conf
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/filters/latex/latex-filter.conf
| asciidoc: reading: /etc/asciidoc/lang-en.conf
| asciidoc: writing: .../Documentation/user-manual.xml
| a2x: executing: "xmllint" --nonet --noout --valid ".../Documentation/user-manual.xml"
| .../Documentation/user-manual.xml:167: element anchor: validity error : Syntax of value for attribute id of anchor is not valid
| ences</emphasis> <phrase role="red"><anchor id="URL link" xreflabel="[URL link]"
|                                                                                ^
| .../Documentation/user-manual.xml:352: element anchor: validity error : ID LINK already defined
| ence</emphasis> settings <phrase role="red"><anchor id="LINK" xreflabel="[LINK]"
|                                                                                ^
| .../Documentation/user-manual.xml:580: element anchor: validity error : Syntax of value for attribute id of anchor is not valid
| ences</emphasis> <phrase role="red"><anchor id="URL link" xreflabel="[URL link]"
|                                                                                ^
| .../Documentation/user-manual.xml:580: element anchor: validity error : ID URL link already defined
| ences</emphasis> <phrase role="red"><anchor id="URL link" xreflabel="[URL link]"
|                                                                                ^
| .../Documentation/user-manual.xml:693: element anchor: validity error : ID LINK already defined
| chose in the preferences <phrase role="red"><anchor id="LINK" xreflabel="[LINK]"
|                                                                                ^
| .../Documentation/user-manual.xml:2240: element link: validity error : IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "AppendixB"
| a2x: ERROR: "xmllint" --nonet --noout --valid ".../Documentation/user-manual.xml" returned non-zero exit status 4

The errors seem to be related to these lines in Documentation/user-manual.xml:

| $ egrep -ni 'phrase role="red"><anchor' user-manual.xml
| 167:type the number. (The units selected in the <emphasis>Preferences</emphasis> <phrase role="red"><anchor id="URL link" xreflabel="[URL link]"/></phrase>
| 279:to the setting you chose in the preferences <phrase role="red"><anchor id="LINK" xreflabel="[LINK]"/></phrase>.</simpara>
| 352:<emphasis role="strong">preference</emphasis> settings <phrase role="red"><anchor id="LINK" xreflabel="[LINK]"/></phrase>. The dive profile itself comprises several
| 580:selected in the <emphasis>Preferences</emphasis> <phrase role="red"><anchor id="URL link" xreflabel="[URL link]"/></phrase> will determine whether metric
| 693:corresponds to the setting you chose in the preferences <phrase role="red"><anchor id="LINK" xreflabel="[LINK]"/></phrase>.</simpara>

and corresponding lines in the source Documentation/user-manual.txt:

| $ egrep -ni 'preferences.*\[red\]' user-manual.txt
| 172:type the number. (The units selected in the 'Preferences' [red]#[[URL link]]#
| 264:to the setting you chose in the preferences [red]#[[LINK]]#.
| 493:selected in the 'Preferences' [red]#[[URL link]]# will determine whether metric
| 586:corresponds to the setting you chose in the preferences [red]#[[LINK]]#.



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