Some recent change completely broke the DC import

Lutz Vieweg lvml at
Sun Dec 29 16:37:21 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I have tried time and again finding the conditions under which
the imports fail for me as described. I ran imports like 30 times
in a row, every time I erased
> rm -rf subsurface .gconf/apps/subsurface .config/Subsurface/Subsurface.conf
before each attempt, just to be sure.

Yet, as much as I tried, there is only little that I can
say by now:

- all import attempts (5 out of 5) that I made with
   Subsurface v4.0-18-ga351bbde24d4, built with libdivecomputer
   v0.5.0-devel (c5249861758305cff525a02e0a243f65b0750862),
   succeeded, no matter whether the D9 was disconnected in between

- 21 out of 25 import attempts failed with
   Subsurface v4.0-64-gd42cc5a40c41, built with libdivecomputer
   v0.5.0-devel (c5249861758305cff525a02e0a243f65b0750862)
   - all 4 import attempts that succeeded with this version
     were ones that were started after disconnecting/reconnecting
     the D9 USB cable. But among the failed attempts were both
     ones were I had disconnected/reconnected, and ones were I did not.

I have disabled "ModemManager" (see other thread) and also "udev", just
to be sure that no other process interferes with ttyUSB0.

Sorry, but I am out of ideas for now, and it's time for bed.


Lutz Vieweg

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