Looking for hints on DC import debugging

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Mon Dec 30 14:12:54 UTC 2013

dive-cb() never being called us your real problem. If that isn't called, we don't get dives

From my phone

Lutz Vieweg <lvml at 5t9.de> wrote:

>The "accept()" call causes a dynamic linker lookup, which
>ends up in "QDialog::accept()", which seems to consist of only
>a few assembler instructions, basically calling "QDialog::done(int)".
>I wonder whether something else is expected to happen during
>Also, the function "int dive_cb()" is never called during an import.
>I wonder whether this is normal.
>Lutz Vieweg
>subsurface mailing list
>subsurface at hohndel.org

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