Localized Webpages / "Download" / DE

Lutz Vieweg lvml at 5t9.de
Tue Feb 5 16:26:51 PST 2013

On 02/05/2013 03:20 AM, Robert C. Helling wrote:
> I would suggest "für Windows" instead of "ür das Windows Betriebssystem" and "DMG-Datei" instead of "Datenträger-Abbild Datei".

The first is just shorter, not better, IMHO.
Regarding the ".dmg" I asked an Apple user to look up how such
a file was described by a DE localized MacOS, and it turned
out to be called just "Image", even though that is probably
not very good German, see also:

> For the release, we should also make sure that there is a .deb package. Version 2.1 is available for Debion thru the usual channels, so should de 3.0.

Once we have a link for that, it should sure be added to the
download page.


Lutz Vieweg

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