[Dirk Hohndel] Re: OS X 10.8 installation advice in readme

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Thu Feb 7 02:08:18 PST 2013

"Robert C. Helling" <helling at lmu.de> writes:

> On Thu, 7 Feb 2013, Henrik Brautaset Aronsen wrote:
> Hendrik
>> We should still sign the app bundle, though...
> Last night, I was browsing a bit the Apple developer web pages. It seems 
> to be clear that GPL 2 is incompatible with the rules of the App Store. 

I hadn't considered putting the software in the app store. I simply
wanted to be able to even sign the app...

> But I could not find any information about possible restrictions in the 
> legal foo that you seem to have to accept when applying for the code 
> signing certificates (besides the 99$/year) if you want to distribute the 
> software yourself. I only found that you can either sign as an 
> organisation (but that does very likely not apply for subsurface since it 
> is not a registered business) or as an individual.

I was going to apply as a ficticious business. Need to read through the
legalese to see if that will get me in trouble...

> See 
> http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/OSXWorkflowGuide/DistributingApplicationsOutside/DistributingApplicationsOutside.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011201-CH12-SW2
> Best
> Robert
> PS: I presume that GPL v2 was picked on purpose to allow in principle for 
> code signing etc.

GPLv2 is our preferred license for projects like this. I don't think
there was any specific intention to be able to sign things...


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