Update to DE translation

Lutz Vieweg lvml at 5t9.de
Tue Feb 12 01:48:13 PST 2013

On 02/12/2013 10:12 AM, Robert C. Helling wrote:> I did some editing in 
the German localization (some typos, some hyphens,
 > some changes to more idiomatic expressions).

 > -msgstr "Multi-Platform Tauchprogram in C"
 > +msgstr "Multi-Platform Tauchprogramm in C"

"Platform" (en) -> "Plattform" (de)

 > +msgstr "Gewebewarnung"

Shouldn't this rather be something like "Gewebesättigungswarnung" - as
warning about the existence of tissues is less plausible than warning
about their N2 saturation...?


Lutz Vieweg

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