[PATCH] Select all dives in a trip when said trip is expanded and clicked

Lubomir I. Ivanov neolit123 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 14:14:50 PST 2013

On 18 February 2013 22:58, Amit Chaudhuri <amit.k.chaudhuri at gmail.com> wrote:
> ..I wonder if the out of the box behaviour of the Qt stuff handles this
> better.  I suspect it does.  And if it doesn't, I'd be much more confident
> that it would be possible to over-ride to achieve it.
> I'm playing with the simplest of beginnings of a Qt version (a main window,
> menus, presistent recollection of window size/component sizes etc).  I'll
> put this on the list of things to test early on.  It's no more than ~10
> lines of code at present, so not yet interesting.  But by end of March I
> hope to have something to put up to stimulate discussion.

things seem easy in Qt land. here is a snipped i wrote to populate a
tree widget, while i was testing before.

	QFont font;
	// top level trip
	trip = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.treeWidget);
	font = trip->font(0);
	trip->setText(1, "Trip 17.01.2013");
	trip->setFont(1, font);
	// dives in a trip
	dive = new QTreeWidgetItem(trip);
	dive->setText(0, "1");
	dive->setText(1, "17.01.2013");
	dive->setText(2, "Gibraltar 1");
	dive = new QTreeWidgetItem(trip);
	dive->setText(0, "2");
	dive->setText(1, "18.01.2013");
	dive->setText(2, "Gibraltar 2");
	dive = new QTreeWidgetItem(trip);
	dive->setText(0, "3");
	dive->setText(1, "19.01.2013");
	dive->setText(2, "Gibraltar 3");
	// toplevel dives
	dive = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.treeWidget);
	dive->setText(0, "3");
	dive->setText(1, "Dive 20.01.2013");
	dive->setText(2, QString::fromUtf8("Cádiz 1"));
	dive = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.treeWidget);
	dive->setText(0, "4");
	dive->setText(1, "Dive 21.01.2013");
	dive->setText(2, QString::fromUtf8("Cádiz 2"));

i haven't played much with overriding its selection with signals, but
pretty much everything we do in GTK seems covered:

there is UTF-8 -> UTF-16 conversation above, as this source code file
was written for Qt4.8 (since i there wasn't a Qt5 mingw build yet).
same should be gone in Qt5 according to thiago macieira:
the internal storage would be still UTF-16, though.


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