[PATCH] gtk-gui.c: Move the download dialog related code to a new file

Linus Torvalds torvalds at linux-foundation.org
Thu Jan 10 11:13:59 PST 2013

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit123 at gmail.com> wrote:
> gtk-gui.c still has set_dc_nickname(), remember_dc(), etc., which will
> contribute another 200 LOC or so to a eventual nickname.c.
> i would personally have it in a separate file, but do as you see fit, i
> guess.

Having played around with the device stuff, I really *really* hate the
games the nickname code plays with the system config. I left it alone
for now, but as a person who works on his dive logs on multiple
machines (notably my laptop when actually diving, and workstation when
not), I've grown more and more convinced that the system config is
horribly wrong. When I get different results on different machines,
that just makes me angry.

I've had this before (and we've discussed it with Dirk outside the
mailing list), but the nickname code is even worse - because the
system config has different rules from the xml quoting, the XML file
can actually end up containing a different nickname than the system
config. I could really not be bothered to do the config quoting thing
for the xml file, it just seemed too ugly for words.

Dirk disagrees about my hatred of system configs, though, and seems to
want to have machine-wide defaults for some things, and remember dive
computers across different peoples xml files.

I'd rather get rid of our system config code entirely, and put it all
into the per-xml file settings. And as a side effect, that would get
rid of most of the remember_dc and set_dc_nickname stuff.


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