Extracting information from a webservice

Aurélien PRALONG aurelien.pralong at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 05:21:12 PST 2013

Looks like the bug is on my side (format "hh:mm" instead of "HH:mm"). I'll
fix it tonight.

BTW, Pierre-Yves, do we keep this date format, or rather pass on a XML
date, i.e. with timezone information ? I suggest using client control for
it, as the phone changes itself the timezone when travelling.

Other question, as I understand your API, all the requests are done with a
HTTP GET ? Usually, when you send data, POST or PUT are used (e.g. github
API, which is rater standard : http://developer.github.com/v3/). Do you
confirm ?


2013/1/23 Dirk Hohndel <dirk at hohndel.org>

> Finally returning to this part of the puzzle - it's something we either
> need to disable prior to the 3.0 release, or make marginally more useful
> :-)
> One thing that I noticed, Pierre & Aurélien, is this:
>     <dive>
>       <name>shark+pit</name>
>       <latitude>20.8621345041</latitude>
>       <longitude>-156.67578307</longitude>
>       <date>2012-12-14</date>
>       <time>01:23:00</time>
>     </dive>
> While I do like my night dives as much as anyone else... this dive was
> actually at 13:34. And a quick check seems to indicate that all dives
> are mapped into the first 12h of the day - is that a bug in the Android
> companion app or in the webservice?
> Once that is figured out I think it wouldn't be too hard to show the
> closest dive to the time returned (or the closest two dives if this is
> roughly in the middle between "end of dive one" and "beginning of dive
> two") and ask if the GPS location should be applied to that dive.
> For extra credits one could of course also open a quick map window with
> those coordinates...
> /D
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