Subject: Re: QTreeView setFirstColumnSpanned?

Linus Torvalds torvalds at
Sun Jun 9 14:11:00 PDT 2013

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabrava at> wrote:
> Can you provide a dummy screenshoot on what you are trying to achive?

This beautiful mock-up hopefully gives the idea.

The point being that notice how the trip header *crosses* the fields.
It's not in the dive number field, it's not in the date field, it's
the whole line. So if my trip name was longer, it could take up much
more of the line, and not be constrained by the columns. The columns
would *only* be relevant for the dives.

See what I'm going for?

Quite frankly, setFirstColumnSpanned() should do this, but the
interface seems to be f*cking retarded. You want to set the "spanned"
data in the *model*, not in the QTreeView. But I'm not seeing how to
do it sanely in the treeview.

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