Subject: Re: Bug fixes for today

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at
Sat Jun 15 05:00:18 PDT 2013

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Amit Chaudhuri
<amit.k.chaudhuri at> wrote:
> Linus,
> your code ought to work.  A similar tweak to the weight system model *does*
> work.
> For some reason Qt::FontRole is not being passed to the data method of any
> of the model sub-classes for the dive list.  Possibly something to do with
> the derivation. Weight stuff derives from a different abstract class
> (QAbstractTableModel cf QAbstractItemModel) and there route is indirect,
> involving the TreeItemDT struct.
> I'll take a look at the base classes a bit later on. Time for other
> things....
> Amit

I answered that yesterday - The DiveTripModel uses FontRole, so it's
not passing to that to the items but eating it. I already posted the
correct code to do what linus asked Amit, don't need to waste time on
that - we have other bugs that needs to be fixed :)


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