Hollis DG03 data import error

Jef Driesen jefdriesen at telenet.be
Mon Jun 17 06:05:10 PDT 2013

On 2013-06-17 14:38, Gobbledegeek wrote:
> When I plug the DG03 data cable the DG03 starts the PC countdown timer 
> of
> 120 secs
> I need to manually change the owner of /dev/ttyUSB0 each time before
> launching the SS log import tool, which I do.
> The pop-up window shows some model/firmware data and a progress bar 
> begins.
> The import fails with "Dive data import error" before the actual import 
> of
> dives begin. The DG03 jumps out of the timer and shows the normal 
> surface
> mode like there is no longer a data connection.

Can you send me a full debug log of the communication? The easiest way 
to do that is to run the libdivecomputer universal test tool. You can 
either build if from source [1], or download a pre-compiled binary [2]. 
Then, run it with these arguments:

./universal -n "Hollis DG03" -l output.log -m output.bin -v /dev/ttyUSB0

and send me the output files.

> On one occasion the DG03 also beeped the red alarm flasher - a single
> beep.  Dunno what it means.

Me neither.

[1] http://www.libdivecomputer.org/download.html
[2] http://www.libdivecomputer.org/builds/linux/universal


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