Fwd: sample UDDF file

Linus Torvalds torvalds at linux-foundation.org
Fri Mar 1 09:20:13 PST 2013

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Jan Schubert <Jan.Schubert at gmx.li> wrote:
> Yes and no: You will have a higher po2 as your setpoint PO2 in case you
> do a diluent flush (meaning you exchange all the gas inside your
> rebreather with fresh diluent). But in real life you would be able to
> "breath it down" as your body consumes the oxygen inside your
> rebreather. Diving an eCCR means, there will no additional oxygen been
> feed into the rebreather as long as the real po2 is equal or higher then
> the setpoint po2. Understood?

Ahh, ok. I didn't know just how much diluent etc you end up using vs
breathing down just the oxygen.

At the other end, there's nothing you can do it the setpo2 is 1.2 and
you're snorkeling, but I guess nobody really cares about that.

>> So no, setpo2 is *not* the same as "constant po2 in the samples" afaik.
> Not sure what you mean with constant po2 but I'm afraid you are wrong :-).
>> But hey, we haven't done the rebreather cert yet, so what do I know..
> You are aiming for it? :-)

Probably eventually. I guess we should have the cert (or at least done
the course) for anything we end up writing code for. Exactly to know
issues like the above.


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