
Jef Driesen jefdriesen at telenet.be
Mon Mar 4 04:17:36 PST 2013

On 2013-03-04 12:55, Sergey Starosek wrote:
> Is there any way to turn on console debugging on Windows (-vvv 
> command line
> switch) ?

I don't remember the exact details, but their are two types of windows 
applications: console and gui. The difference is a simple subsystem flag 
in the PE header of the executable. If you alter the flag (either by 
modifying the binary or recompiling with the right option), you can 
force a GUI application to show a console window.

If you compile with mingw, you have the -mconsole and -mwindows options 
to select the variant. In the subsurface makefile, look for the 
-Wl,-subsystem,windows option.



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