localized versions of the website

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Tue Mar 5 12:14:32 PST 2013

This is mostly an idle question... no pressure on anyone

We currently have the website fairly completely in German and French and
we are starting on Spanish.

Looking at our web statistics those are great choices.
The countries with 2% or more are:

        US (sort of English)
        EU - which means somewhere in Europe, don't know language
        UK (sort of almost English)
        Canada (English & French)
        Switzerland (sort of German)
        Australia (sort of English)
        Austria (sort of German)

I don't know if that means we WANT a Finnish or Swedish translation.
I think the large number of Polish visitors was driven by a promotion of
Subsurface in a forum by Krzysztof - so I don't know if Poland will stay
up this high long term...

And the Netherlands are at 2%

So what I'm trying to say is, I guess... we may not NEED any more
localizations, but if people are interested in doing this, please talk
to me. Even if your language isn't on the list above.

But then there is the inverse question. I wonder if the countries for
which we have localizations are that high up there BECAUSE we have
localizations. I clearly remember France being way further down when I
started to look at these numbers and steadily increasing when we added
French translations...

Anyway - just idly thinking about this topic.


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