Windows and xslt dll

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Wed Mar 6 06:30:16 PST 2013

On Mar 6, 2013, at 5:05 AM, Robert C. Helling wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Mar 2013, Rainer Mohr wrote:
> Hi,
>> So it would be best to not rely on the float values that the dll returns and instead parse the float from the XML yourself...
> I don't know anything about Windows but I would assume that there is a corresponding function that parses strings into floats using the current locale (and one might think about using this in other places as well as mentioned yesterday but this of course opens a whole new can of worms as then the xml might become locale dependent etc).

No you DON'T want to use this. Anywhere. Ever. And if we do read localized strings somewhere that needs to be fixed.

If I save a file in the US locale and send it to my friend in Germany they better be able to open and parse it.

Having different number formats is idiotic.

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