Companion app 1.3 released

Kévin Raymond kraymond at
Mon Mar 18 10:51:10 PDT 2013

> > Aurélien, If you need help to create the Transifex project or upload the
> > resources, tell me. I can setup this for you, I just need to know which
> > are the files to give to translators.
> It's just one file; if you clone the subsurface-companion git tree
> you'll see res/values/strings.xml and the translations are in
> res/values-XX/strings.xml with XX being the two letter language code
> (strangely russian is under ro and not ru)

As it's only one file, I'll add it and open a new thread for the Companion
translations. (I'll block the translations on that resource by default).
I did it few minutes ago, but did the language mapping on the other way.
Will push soon. And you'll see then with Aurélien.

Kévin Raymond
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