Ubuntu PPA

Henrik Brautaset Aronsen subsurface at henrik.synth.no
Fri Mar 22 11:48:37 PDT 2013

Henrik Brautaset Aronsen wrote:
> 1) Open Ubuntu Software Center
> 2) Edit --> Software Sources
> 3) Other Software --> Add --> ppa:subsurface/subsurface
> 4) Close & search for Subsurface.  Install.

Ah, there's one extra step before installing.  Ubuntu needs to know the 
signing key for the PPA's packages.  It's listed under "Technical 
details" on https://launchpad.net/~subsurface/+archive/subsurface.

Basically, save 
to a file and import it in Ubuntu Software Center --> Edit --> 
Authentication --> Import Key File.

Thanks a lot to Miika for providing the packages!


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