[PATCH] Reformat statistics tab in MainTab tab widget

Lubomir I. Ivanov neolit123 at gmail.com
Mon May 6 07:41:44 PDT 2013

On 6 May 2013 16:56, Dirk Hohndel <dirk at hohndel.org> wrote:
> So we need to make sure that the strings from those .ui files get fed
> into the translation.
> The marking with _("") or N_("") and even with tr("") have one
> interesting side effect - the strings get picked up by our tooling and
> then sent to Transifex for translation.
> At this point we still need to add magic to the Makefile to ensure that
> the strings from the .ui file are picked up as well.

i would leave the .ui files with blank strings and assign values on
runtime, by referencing labels and other objects i.e. in source files,
how it was with the dynamically created UI in GTK. but in any way,
text labels may have to be modified on runtime, if showing dynamic
error messages to users.

has a -L option but i don't see the Qt format supported, so this
requires more Makefile magic, indeed.
but i'm a bit confused here. even if strings are obtained from .ui and
packed in .mo files, how would gettext know where to translate without
the translation "guide" on runtime (e.g. gettext(), _(), _N()) and
without referencing an object like:

theLabel->text(_("the text"));

which leads back to (or at least suggests to me) managing the strings
from .cpp files only by referencing, which might be a problem on it's
own if objects change names often...


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