webservice dive matching?

Mark Kampe mark.kampe at gmail.com
Mon May 20 23:01:04 PDT 2013

I happily used the Android app to record the dive locations and GPS
coordinates from a recent trip to Little Cayman.  All the dives show
up in the Android app, and I see a good looking set of dives at:
whose dates and (GMT) times appear to be correct.

But, when I connect/download/apply in the linux app some of these
reports seem to have bound improperly.  Comparing the log file XML
with the position reports, I observe that the former are in local
time (at the dive site)

<dive number='686' ... date='2013-05-13' time='09:17:00' ...>
<dive number='687' ... date='2013-05-13' time='11:05:00' ...>
<dive number='688' ... date='2013-05-13' time='14:40:00' ...>

while the latter are in GMT

{"name":"Bloody Bay, Sarah's Set", "latitude":"19.68724421", 
"longitude":"-80.07284466", "date":"2013-05-13", "time":"14:04:00"},
{"name":"Bloody Bay, Donna's Delight", "latitude":"19.68440638", 
"longitude":"-80.08090151", "date":"2013-05-13", "time":"15:41:00"},
{"name":"Bloody Bay, Joy's Joy", "latitude":"19.67858604", 
"longitude":"-80.09315462", "date":"2013-05-13", "time":"19:29:00"},

Dive 686 correctly bound to Sarah's Set
Dive 687 found no match
Dive 688 improperly bound to Dona's Delight

What have I done wrong?
Is there an option I did not set?
Must all dive times be recorded in GMT?

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