
Pedro Neves nevesdiver at gmail.com
Tue May 21 08:06:21 PDT 2013

Hi all:

First let me thank you for all the replies to my original message.

Then, thanks Dirk for pointing me to trac.hohndel.org
However, I couldn't find any mention to it on the Subsurface page 
(http://subsurface.hohndel.org/). Maybe we could put a pointer to it 

Regarding some of my "wishes", let me clarify and summarize what we have 
so far:


- Tags: we agree that we should have user created tags, together with 
some predefined tags. Maybe we could add the possibility for the user to 
delete some of the predefined tags?
     I also like the idea of the hierarchical tags.

- Dive profile comparison: I understand that we can "compare the same 
dive downloaded from two different dive computers", but I think 
superimposing would be a much easier way to compare the profiles. Of 
course if we superimpose 2 profiles with all the usual info (te it will 
be very confusing,  but comparing only the depth/time profiles would be 
a nice feature and not too cluttered.


- VPM-B and Büelmann 86 (with and without GF) algorithms: I understand 
the limitations of not having a good free implementation of it. However 
and although I agree that the algorithms are just guesses, pretty much 
everybody follows them by using a dive computer. I believe that we might 
not see significant differences between VPM and Buehlmann with GF and 
that the comparison will be mostly for curiosity, but still that's 
something that would add value to Subsurface. I admit, however, that 
it's not a priority. Nevertheless, I'm willing to help implementing it. 
I'll see if I can get my hands on a copy of Decoplanner and run some 
tests comparing the same dive profile with both algorithms...

Dive analysis:

  - Check tissue tensions during the dive and compare it to its 
M-values: what I mean is having a table showing the times and tissues 
where tissue tension is more than 80% (or any user defined value) of the 
m-value for that tissue at that depth.

My contributions:
> Our Portuguese translation is incomplete (have you signed
> up on Transifex?). And input is always welcome
I've already signed up on Transifex. I've submitted all the translations 
for Subsurface and for the Companion App and I have the Readme file 
ready to upload. However the Transifex site tells me that the Readme 
file is not accepting translations at the moment.

Other wishes:

Equipment: I'm not sure if this makes sense, or if it escapes the goal 
of Subsurface, but it would be nice to have a equipment database where 
users could store information regarding equipment that they own and use. 
For instance, we have the possibility to store tanks and dive suits. 
Could we extend it to include regulators and other equipment? We could 
then track service dates, combine equipment in kits (lets say, a reg, a 
dive suit, fins, etc. that are commonly used together?).



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