Qt Divelist sorting..

Linus Torvalds torvalds at linux-foundation.org
Thu May 23 09:08:32 PDT 2013

Ok, trying to get the current subsurface master to work for me, and it
mostly does - except sorting is horribly broken.

It looks like all sorting is just plain alphabetical. Correct?

I figured out that in Qt, the way to override the sorting is to write
a "lessThan()" function in your own QSortFilterProxyModel subclass. I
found this:


and then I decided that there's a lot of boilerplate Qt code that I'd
be better off asking Qt people to write.

I can happily write the actual sort functions (but most of them are
trivial integer comparisons, so that's admittedly not much of an offer
;^), but the whole hookup thing? Might I ask somebody who is clearly
more comfy with this to do that? Tomaz?

Sorting the dates by alphabetical string is kind of sad.

Btw, the new map is beautiful, but the resolution of the thing is
insufficient to actually add map markers.


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