having Marble find the right data files

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Mon May 27 19:02:03 PDT 2013

On May 27, 2013, at 12:05 PM, Sergey Starosek wrote:

> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 03:48:32PM -0700, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>> I have thought about doing this as well. Given how small these files are
>> I guess it's not too big of a deal - but it makes the question about the
>> potential violation of Google's terms of service more difficult. If we
>> use the Google maps just inside of Subsurface it is clear that they are
>> not used for navigation, for example. Yet if we copy these files into
>> the user's ~/.local directory then any app using Marble will (be able
>> to) use the Google maps... so this is definitely going a step further
>> than what I did.
> Could we check through the list of installed themes
> (using MapThemeManager::mapThemeIds()) for
> "earth/googlesat/googlesat.dgml" and if it's there continue.
> Otherwise copy our googlesat.dgml to MarbleDirs::localPath()
> and delete it on exit.

Yes, that seems like a good way to do it.

> Btw, setting custom data path to subsurface working dir still
> caches tiles in XDG_DATA_HOME (~/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/googlesat)

Eh. Oops.


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