Change panel/frames order?

Pablo Wolter pwolter at
Sat Nov 16 18:23:32 UTC 2013

Hi Guys,

In Subsurface the window is divided in 3 sections. On the top left side is the “Dive Notes/Equipment/Dive Info/Stats” section, which I’ll call Panel 1. On the top right side is the dive profile graph, which I’ll call Panel 2. Bellow or in the bottom side is the “Dive #/Date/ft/min/Location” section, Panel 3.

Panel 3 columns seem to be pretty fixed once a user has decided what he wants to see there. I was thinking on adding the option to “move” the panels around. For example I would like to have the Panel 2 on top and bellow it Panel 1 and Panel 3. So the graph is wider/bigger than the lists. Specially Panel 1 which is pretty fixed and Panel 3 is customizable (to fit a smaller space).

What do you guys think? Worth a shot?


Pablo Wolter
pwolter at

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