What happened to the profile?

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Mon Oct 7 09:13:11 UTC 2013

On Mon, 2013-10-07 at 18:00 +0200, Robert C. Helling wrote:
> On Oct 7, 2013, at 4:34 PM, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> > That seems like a reasonable approach.
> > 
> > Except that atof_l doesn't appear to exist on Linux. Some googling seems
> > to imply that this is a BSD-ism that hasn't made its way to Linux. So
> > back to square 1...
> > 
> > Thiago - I'm sure there is this brilliant easy to use Qt function that
> > will solve all our problems, correct?
> are we possibly over engineering this? Given that this is used to parse
> xml files, will we ever encounter anything more complex than
> [\-+]?\d*(\.\d*)?
> i.e. possibly a - sign then some digits then possibly a point and some
> more digits? For this a parser from scratch should be shorter than what
> we have at the moment. Of course, that would be locale agnostic (which
> seems to be what we need) and would not handle exponents, hex numbers,
> octals etc. But this should be enough, shouldn't it? And yes, who will
> ever need more than 640k RAM?

As Linus points out in his extremely useful contributions (I like
contributions that include a PATCH that fixes my mistakes) - we do need
exponents on some of the imports... the reason I blindly (stupidly) went
with something existing was that I didn't want to have to consider which
inputs might get thrown at us...

But I think Linus' patch fixes that. Now all that needs is some
testing :-)


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