building ss

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at
Tue Oct 8 12:53:51 UTC 2013

I run Ubuntu 12.10. where the default version of ss is 1.2 (!!). I am 
attempting to build ss V3.1.1 from the git. I built libdivecomputer 
successfully, residing in a libdivecomputer directory inside my home 
directory. I have gone through the steps to build ss. here is a history:

*willem at willem-Precision-M4700:~$* git clone 
Cloning into 'subsurface'...
remote: Counting objects: 13811, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8000/8000), done.
remote: Total 13811 (delta 10174), reused 7968 (delta 5744)
Receiving objects: 100% (13811/13811), 4.81 MiB | 105 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10174/10174), done.               // looks ok to me
**willem at willem-Precision-M4700:~/subsurface$* git checkout v3.1.1
Note: checking out 'v3.1.1'.

// Some text omitted here

HEAD is now at 2441847... Minor documentation update // looks ok

*willem at willem-Precision-M4700:~/subsurface$* make
updating version.h to 3.1.1
     CC main.c
     CC dive.c
     CC time.c
     CC profile.c
     CC info.c
     CC equipment.c
     CC divelist.c
divelist.c:43:17: fatal error: zip.h: No such file or 
directory                     // problem  :-(((
compilation terminated.
make: *** [divelist.o] Error 1

The #include file zip.h in divelist.c is not in this directory, neither 
anywhere on my machine. I checked the other #includes in divelist.c and 
there is possibly another problem:

There is no libxslt folder in my home area. There are some libxslt 
shared objects in usr/lib, but no source code that I could find anywhere 
on my machine.

I assume that I must have done something wrong. If anyone could help, I 
would appreciate it very much.

Kind regards,
Willem Ferguson

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