[PATCH] Ticket #473: Add option of saving User ID in xml

Venkatesh Shukla IIT BHU venkatesh.shukla.eee11 at iitbhu.ac.in
Thu Apr 3 10:05:20 PDT 2014

> hello,
> i don't see the need for this feature, but others may find it useful.
> if someone has an opinion please comment.

Dirk seemed to be happy with this idea.

> so if a loaded XML has an ID do we ignore the ID saved in the settings?

No, the flow is like this.
1. Open the download dive dialog box. Check on the save user id checkbox.
Download and accept the changes. Save the file. Due to this, the xml
document will store feature like
2. When a new xml file gets loaded, if it contains a userid, the same user
id will be stored. Also the feature of saving userid will be enabled. On
the other hand, if the userid is absent, the feature is disabled. The xml
files will remain as they were.
This way, one can maintain userids in files they want.

the "Ticket..." part from the [PATCH] title should be omitted, and
> instead you should add:
> "fixes #473"
> at the bottom of the commit message.

I will keep this in mind.

the C/C++ part of the patch uses 4 spaces instead of tab characters,
> but also has some other formatting problems.
> please refer to the file CodingStyle in the project root.

I'll look into the formatting problems and send an updated patch.

> lubomir
> --

Thank you Lubomir for giving feedback. I appreciate it.
I'll keep in mind the things you have said.


*Venkatesh Shukla *
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