unable to complete cross-building on fedora 20

Alberto Corona alberto at 0x1a.us
Thu Apr 10 09:51:46 PDT 2014

On 2014-04-09 22:52, Lakshman wrote:
> 2) I tried building "marble" following lines 204-211 of "INSTALL"
> file. When I ran "mingw32-cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DQTONLY=TRUE
> ../sources" I got the following error:
> /usr/bin/mingw32-cmake: line 70: fg: no job control
> I have no idea about this error and how to resolve this, tried
> googling, but attempts were in vain.
> 3) Similar error i.e. "/usr/bin/mingw32-cmake: line 70: fg: no job
> control" was thrown when I tried to run "mingw32-cmake .." for libgit2
> (line 218 of INSTALL"

I've never had a no job control error, where were you trying to build
marble and libgit2? I think the INSTALL suggests creating a build 
which I would suggest. You might hit a couple more bumps trying to 
compile, I remember having issues where one of the ssl dlls weren't 
included when running the packaging script in packaging/windows

-- Alberto

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