GSoC work priority? [Was: [PATCH 2/2] Generate correct json]

Lubomir I. Ivanov neolit123 at
Wed Aug 27 03:42:02 PDT 2014

On 27 August 2014 09:22, "Paul-Erik Törrönen" <poltsi at> wrote:
>> So I think the better solution is to talk Gehad into doing it right when
>> things are created.
> This raises (at least in my mind) the question about the GSoC work that is
> done this year on Subsurface. Specifically whether this is to be
> considered as normal contribution as by anyone (in a FOSS-project), or is
> the GSoC pupil a special case to whom the changes within his/her project
> subarea should be conferred to in the form of enhancement requests and bug
> reports?
> I raise this because Salvo Tomaselli may be unaware that the HTML
> export-functionality is a GSoC project.

essentially, it's up to the project maintainer to navigate the
students and mentors into what code is accepted.
the trailing commas are bogus both in the sense of ECMAScript and
JSON. they indicate "undefined" Objects in an Array and parsing them
is undefined behavior. the fact that there are parsers that discard
empty Array elements is parser implementation specific is and is an
extension of the JSON specification.

also, i see it being perfectly fine for third party developers to
submit changes to a GSoC project related area or submit bug reports
while GSoC is still ongoing.


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