[PATCH] Allow more flexible GPS coordinates for CSV import

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za
Thu Dec 11 01:36:31 PST 2014

On 11/12/2014 07:22, Miika Turkia wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:56 AM, Pedro Neves <nevesdiver at gmail.com 
> <mailto:nevesdiver at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Miika:
>     I'm sorry to disturb you with this.
>     Do you mind trying importing the attached .CSV file into Subsurface?
>     On my machine, everything works except the coordinates for dive
>     #15, for which I've copied your value of 1°36'11.711"N
>     124°46'00.368"E.
>     I don't think it makes much sense for you to waste time trying to
>     fiddle with the import filter in order to allow for other
>     coordinate formats. The format d.dddddd d.ddddd works well so I
>     guess I can document that.
>     What do you think?
> Currently only the  d.dddddd d.ddddd format is supported so that is 
> what should be currently documented.
> However, we already have a function on the GUI code that decodes the 
> other coordinate formats. We just do not use that function for 
> imported dives, only for coordinates typed from the GUI. This patch 
> only prepares us so we can switch to the better coordinate decoding 
> function in C side (passing the input coordinates properly to the C 
> code. So "my value" is not supposed to work yet. I am just not 
> familiar how to call C++ code from C so the switching to the proper 
> decoding function is still pending and will happen eventually (most 
> likely after 4.3 release).
> miika
Would it not be feasible to rewrite the parser in C and then call the C 
parser from C++ when keyboard-entered required?
Kind regards,

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