[PATCH] Low-level edits to user-manual for V4.3

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Wed Dec 17 10:49:35 PST 2014

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 08:26:34PM +0200, Willem Ferguson wrote:
>     User manual update
>     Small changes throughout the manual. Typos, spelling, rephrasing
>     a few sentences, moving links to other sections, reformatting of
>     paragraphs here and there.
>     Edits to one image. (CSV export from Windows)
>     Signed-off-by: willem ferguson <willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za>
> I hope this is more or less ok for V4.3

Hmm, this removes the Appendix E on editing / exporting CSVs.
Was that intentional?


> -== APPENDIX E: Creating a .CSV file from Libreoffice Calc.
> -
> -Many divers keep a diving log in some form of a digital file, commonly a spreadsheet with various fields of information. These logs can be easily imported into _Subsurface_ (xref:S_ImportingManualCSV[Importing dives from_manually kept CSV file]), after the spreadsheet is converted in a .CSV file.
> -This section explains the procedure to convert a diving logbook stored in a spreadsheet to a .CSV file that will later be imported from _Subsurface_.
> -Creating a .CSV is a straightforward task, although the procedure will somewhat be different according to which spreadsheet program is used.
> -In this example, Libreoffice Calc will be used, but the procedure should be the same in OpenOffice. The procedure for Microsoft Excel users should also be similar.
> -
> -=== Organize data on the spreadsheet
> -The first step is to organize the diving data on the spreadsheet, so that the first row contains the names of each field and all each dive is stored on a single row.
> -_Subsurface_ does not require any particular fields, but supports several (Dive #, Date, Time, Duration, Location, GPS, Max Depth, Mean Depth, Buddy, Notes, Weight and Tags).
> -The user can organize diving metadata according to a few simple rules:
> -
> -1. Date: the users should use one of the following formats: yyyy-mm-dd, dd.mm.yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy
> -2. Duration: the format should be minutes:seconds. In Libreoffice Calc this should be: [mm]:ss
> -3. Unit system: only one unit system shold be used (i.e., no mixture between imperial and metric units)
> -4. Tags and buddies: values should be separated with a ???,???
> -5. GPS position: users must use decimal degrees, e.g. 30.22496 30.821798
> -
> -image::images/spreadsheetdata.jpg["FIGURE: Spreadsheet data",align="center"]
> -
> -=== Creating the .CSV file
> -When the data is organized on the spreadsheet, it's time to export it as .CSV file. In order to do that, user must click _File_ and _Save As_. On the dialogue that comes up, select the ???_Text CSV (.csv)_??? as the file type and select the option ???_Edit filter settings_???.
> -
> -image::images/save_as_options.jpg["FIGURE: Save as options",align="center"]
> -
> -After clicking _Save_, select the appropriate field delimiter (choose {Tab} to prevent conflicts with the ???comma???) and select _OK_.
> -
> -image::images/field_options.jpg["FIGURE: Field options",align="center"]
> -
> -That should be it. You can double check the .CSV file by opening it with a text editor, and then import you diving data as explained on the section xref:S_ImportingManualCS[Importing dives from_manually kept CSV file].
> -- 

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