no dives are shown in the Dive List

Jef Driesen jef at
Wed Feb 5 07:53:10 UTC 2014

On 2014-02-01 16:59, Js wrote:
> Jef Driesen <jefdriesen at> wrote:
>> On 2014-01-28 16:11, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>>> I wonder... Didn't the header length change? If he now has the new
>>> firmware with the longer header, will the old dives be downloaded 
>>> with
>>> the new or the old header?
>>> That could cause parsing errors...
>> Yes, there are two variants with a different length, but there is a
>> version number embedded in the header to figure out the correct 
>> length.
>> but the header looks correct to me. I didn't notice any problem there.
>> The problem is in the profile data. When parsing the section with the
>> sample divisors, the corresponding sample lengths are all wrong. For
>> example a temperature sample is supposed to be 2 byte long, but the
>> length stored in the data is 3 bytes. The libdivecomputer parser fails
>> there already, but if modify the code to accept 3 bytes, it just fails
>> at some later stage.
>> The fact that the ostc itself also has problems displaying these 
>> dives,
>> is for me a strong indication that there is a problem with the data
>> rather than the parser.
> I managed to download the dives to diving log 5.0 and from there
> upload to then download to subsurface.

This makes me wonder why divinglog can parse the data successfully and 
we (and the ostc itself) can't. Strange.


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