libdivecomputer does not return water temperature for uwatec aladin pro

Jef Driesen jefdriesen at
Mon Jan 6 07:15:28 UTC 2014

On 2014-01-05 11:42, vavincavent wrote:
> Problem and question :
> With Uwatec aladin pro divecomputer, i can't have the water temperature 
> extract.
> How can we do that? Is-it possible to create a fork of libdivecomputer
> in subsurface project?

Right now, libdivecomputer only supports parsing the temperature values 
in the samples (e.g. a full temperature profile), and not the single 
value stored in the dive header. Unfortunately the Uwatec Aladin doesn't 
have a temperature profile, so you get no temperature at all.

Adding support for temperature stored in the header (through the 
dc_parser_get_field function) is already on my todo list. It's one of 
the most often requested features...

> join are the result of libdivecomputer log, bin and subsurface xml.

Argh. It looks like I forgot about the libdivecomputer event data. 
Without this extra metadata in the log, I can't correctly parse all the 

Do you mind downloading the universal test app (pick the platform of 
your choice):

and run it with these options:

./universal -v -l aladin.log -m aladin.bin -n "Uwatec Aladin Pro" 

@Dirk: This is something I'll have to address with a new patch.


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