[PATCH] Improving matching of ISO 6709 GPS format

Tim Wootton tim at tee-jay.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 13 00:40:58 UTC 2014

On 13/01/14 08:03, Tim Wootton wrote:
> On 13/01/14 07:37, Miika Turkia wrote:
>> Google format seems to have comma as separator: 31.203405,-67.51465
>> However, how does the decimal point-comma differences between
>> different locales affect this, or does it? We could, of course, check
>> if we have odd number of commas in the coordinates to make sure the
>> comma we are looking for is separator between long and lat, not a
>> decimal point.
> Good point (excuse the pun), this is trickier than it seems!
> What if the location is exactly on a line with only 0s after the dp do
> they and the dp still get shown? if not that would mess with the
> odd/even count.
>From what I can see, looks like they're still shown, so that'd work.
So that would be:
    if 1st non-whitespace is a digit and number of commas is even then
treat it as ISO
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