Shearwater Petrel Download Bug

Jef Driesen jefdriesen at
Thu Jan 16 13:30:58 UTC 2014

On 16-01-14 11:42, Patrick Valsecchi wrote:
> I've investigated this issue on Linux some time ago and contacted the bluez
> mailing list about that. They totally ignored me but a week later, another guy
> had the same problem and did a better investigation than me. His conclusion was
> that if we open /dev/rfcomm0 in asynchronous mode and then write to it, we are
> screwing bluez and the first write fails because it happens before the rfcomm
> link is completely setup.
> I've tried to modify the libdivecomputer to open in synchronous mode and then
> set the fd to asynchrounous afterwards, but the dive transfer was still failing
> on the first read operation. I've sniffed the USB communication and looks like
> something is sending seemingly random characters  before and after the command
> we send.
> Since I had the impression that I was the only one with this problem in the
> subsurface community and the bluez community was ignoring me, I've quit after 8h
> of investigations.

This is probably related:


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