HTML export progress

Gehad Elrobey gehadelrobey at
Tue Jun 3 09:23:07 PDT 2014

 Thanks tomaz I will fix this.

Also I am not sure if this will work on other platforms.

+    QDir dir(filename);
+   if (!dir.exists()) {
+        QDir::home().mkpath(filename);
+    }

I think QDir::home() in windows is c:/ which may be false as a root
directory for the chosen folder.
I don't know if this .

On 06/03/2014 06:31 PM, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Miika Turkia <miika.turkia at>
<miika.turkia at> wrote:

 A quick questions to people familiar with Qt. Will the following work on all
our supported platforms? I suspect that export_HTML will not be able to open
the file given as parameter (with fopen), but how about QFile functions, do
they take care of the Windows directory separator by themselves?

 +       QString json_dive_data = filename + QDir::separator() + "file.json";
+       QString json_settings = filename + QDir::separator() + "settings.json";

+       exportHTMLsettings(json_settings);
+       export_HTML(json_dive_data.toUtf8().data(),
+       QString searchPath = getSubsurfaceDataPath("theme");
+       if (searchPath == "") {
+               return;
+       }
+       QFile *tmpFile;

 +       tmpFile = new QFile(searchPath + QDir::separator() +
+       tmpFile->copy(filename + QDir::separator() + "dive_export.html");

 +       delete tmpFile;

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Gehad Elrobey
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