What's missing for 4.2?

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Mon Jun 9 08:49:37 PDT 2014

On Mon, Jun 09, 2014 at 04:10:37PM +0100, Tim Wootton wrote:
> On 09/06/14 14:06, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> > What you guys think is missing ?
> >
> I've seen discussion about saving the log to a git repo, is this an
> "official" feature now? If so I think a section in the manual on it
> would be good as I'm keen to know how to set this up and I guess others
> might be too. I'm happy to write said section if it's time has come.

The problem is that we haven't solved many of the issues for "normal
- on a Mac, you cannot enter the filename in a way that allows you to add
  the [branch] designation
- in general, the way we do selection of git repository and branch is neat
  for hackers, but entirely unintuitive for everyone else. And I don't
  think we even have the right vision how to fix this. We need to invent
  new dialogs and terms to describe what it is that we are doing.
  Is this a "File" in a "Storage Repository"? The fact that normally
  everything is hidden (so you go to the directory, nothing is there) is
  freaky. Should we just check out the tip of the branch at all times?
  Should we notice if the user edited the checked out files without
  committing changes?
- of course, the whole idea behind moving to git was the ability to use
  this to revert mistakes, sync remotely, use from different computers and
  have a sane way of merging things... all this needs UI beyond "Linus
  know the magic git incantations to make really cool things happening".

So to anser your actual question. No, this is not an official feature and
we are nowhere near having something we could or should document.


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