User manual: Load photos extension in Subsurface

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at
Thu Jun 19 12:04:03 PDT 2014

On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Willem Ferguson
<willemferguson at> wrote:
> I am writing some text for the user manual about loading photographs
> associated with a dive. After loading the photos they appear in the Photos
> tab of the Info panel. What happens on the dive profile is less clear. Very
> small thumbnails appear below the profile and above the gas pressure graphs.
> But the vertical position of these small thumbnails is not consistent. Does
> the vertical position of the small thumbnail have any meaning? The
> horizontal position is also not consistent. Does the horizontal position
> have any meaning? It looks like not all images that are loaded have a
> corresponding small thumbnail. I attach a scaled down screenshot.
> When hovering with the mouse over one of the small thumbnails, a larger
> thumbnail appears over the profile, approximately at the temporal position
> of the dive when the photo was taken.

I didn't have a good test data to try ( only one dive + picture actually )
if you provided me that dive with those pictures I can fix the remaining issues.

The images that do not appear on the profile: they do not have a time
associated, or the time was before the beginning of the dive, or taken
( boat pictures should only appear on the sidebar, for instance. )

The horizontal position of the pictures is the time where they were taken,
the vertical I have no idea. :)

> Kind regards,
> willem
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