The UI looks weird

Davide DB dbdavide at
Mon Jun 30 07:56:19 PDT 2014

2014-06-29 13:44 GMT+02:00 Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabrava at>:
> Thanks for the tickets and mockup. :)
> we really need a interface designer taking a look on the app.

Hi guys,

Could I ask some info on the GUI?

I felt in love with Subsurface and its functionalities.
Nevertheless opening the app at first glance you immediately notice
that it has something weird. The look & feel has something different.
It looks naive. I'm using it under Windows.
I'm a seasoned Java programmer and I know nothing of QT libraries but
it remember me the first Java UI at the beginning of year 2000. Today
it's impossible to see differences from a Java UI and a Native UI.

One of the strange things is the UI font. Why I'm permitted to use a
different font for the entire UI?
I find useful having the opportunity to change font on tables and
planner but menu and other widgets should standard Windows default
fonts. Segoe UI since Vista and Tahoma for XP.
Of course I can set Segoe UI by myself but I'm changing it everywhere.
Same apply for font size.
Usually who has a high res monitor and is getting old :) chages font
magnification from control panel.
It seems strange to me that by default QT does not use standard
platform defined fonts.

Could you shed some lights on it?

I have still to understand if UI widgets have something different from
native ones.


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