Need guidance for Android divecomputer downloader

Jef Driesen jef at
Mon Mar 10 03:42:14 PDT 2014

On 2014-03-09 02:14, Harshit Gupta B.Tech., Electrical, IT-BHU, Varanasi 
(INDIA) wrote:
> I need some guidance from where I can study about how the desktop
> application works or atleast give me the links , so that I can 
> understand
> the code and try to implement it on Android. I asked this question on 
> too but none of the mentors were there at that time.

Usually, the best way to learn how something works, is by using it. For 
example run it inside a debugger and see which functions are being 
called, etc. Once you have a rough idea of how it works, you can start 
digging deeper into the details.

I suggest you start by setting up the libdivecomputer simulator [1]. 
Even if you have a supported divecomputer, the simulator is more 
convenient because you don't have to mess with cables, activating PC 
mode, etc. If you have questions or problems, just ask!



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