Buttons on the profile tool bar

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za
Tue Mar 11 12:30:27 PDT 2014

On 11/03/2014 20:57, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> A 'Toggle Units' button on the toolbar can simplify this, what you think?


I am always very concious of users with screens having less resolution 
than us. On my screen I can fit in many more buttons, but I know many 
people with much less screen resolution and who would not be so lucky.  
I am currently involved in some activity to display gas pressures for 
closed circuit rebreathers (in this case the Poseidon MkVI) and I was 
thinking of adding a button as part of the process. So I have been 
thinking about: if one has to remove buttons from the profile tool bar, 
which would be the least vital? Would it make sense to take all four of 
the buttons adding text to the Information Box (i.e. SAC, EAD, NDL/TTS, 
MOD) and activate them all with a single button that says "Show 
metrics"? That would save space for three buttons.

I do not foresee a desperate need at the moment, but I am afraid that, 
with starting a button bar on the profile panel you have started a 
process that wil inevitably lead to a need for more buttons than there 
is space for.

Kind regards,

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