
joejoshw at joejoshw at
Tue Mar 11 12:33:32 PDT 2014


1. When did you first hear about Subsurface?
I heard about it on the Qt Interest mailing list when I made enquiries about GSoC 2014

2. Do you have any diving experience?
No, I do not have any.

3. What attracted you to Subsurface?
I have always been interested in being part of a group project, that and the fact that its
done in Qt

4. What other open-source tools do you use?
- Linux (Arch Linux, Fedora and Ubuntu)
- Qt and QtCreator
- Musescore
- VLC and Clementine
- Quassel IRC
and many others

5. Describe any participation by you in the Subsurface community.
I have helped several of my fellow GSoC aspirants in understanding Qt.
I have asked and answered several questions on IRC, and I have also responded to questions on
the mailing list.

6. Describe any contributions you have made to Subsurface development (e.g. bug fixes,
translations, packaging, testing).
I have created several patches. I added a feature to hide failed parses from the recent files
menu. I also fixed a very minor spelling error in the CodingStyle file. I am in the process of
adding a 'check for updates' feature.

7. In exactly two sentences, why should we pick YOU?
I have previous experience with C++, Qt and serial port communication, whereby I have worked on
several open source tools and private projects. I would also to take this chance to work on this
project, not just for GSoC, but also after that, and if possible mentor someone else in the future.


1. What is your name, email address, and irc nickname?
My name is Joseph Wambua Joshua. My email address is joejoshw at, and irc nickname is joshwambua.

2. Describe any plans you have for the summer in addition to GSoC
Apart from GSoC, I have nothing else planned.

3. What programming projects have you completed?
- Ticketing system for Nairobi Commuter Railway (Qt, MySQL).
- Payroll for local businesses.
- An attendance system to calculate employee overtime.
- Chapel attendance monitoring in Africa Nazarene University.

4. What are your favorite programming tools (editor, etc.)?
I mainly use QtCreator and Eclipse. On windows, I ocassionaly use Visual Studio.
For version control, I use svn, but I have been learning git these past few weeks.

5. Describe any work on other open-source projects.
-SQLite Management Studio: A GUI administration for SQLite tool in Qt.
-A payroll system for local businesses
-Contributed in NATURAL-GM, a Qt port of the LateralGM game programming tool.
-In the process of writing a MySQL GUI administration tool

6. List other GSoC projects you are applying to.

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